Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Confused about tipping the staff which served you? How much is right? Did I tip more/less than what I should have? Should I tip at all? We should have tipped that waiter, he served us well..!!! What would my partner think if I didn't tip?

Such lot of questions might populate in your mind when you exit a restaurant, a hotel, a bar, or similar setting.

The post is for people who are confused in relation to this matter. The ones who already have an opinion in this case can go ahead to read my opinions. Richness, poorness, etiquette, or pride-in-paying-tip are not considered in this opinion/post.

Tipping is solely done on service receiver's dicretion. Few people might not even thing about this matter, and might see it as a "petty" issue to think about even. But, for me, it deserves a little pondering, as every person is different.

I have a personal policy and that is against tipping, i.e., I do not pay any tips wherever I eat, drink, or stay. If the person serving me is doing something extra than what is part of his/her duty, surely he/she deserves a respectable tip, and I go ahead to pay the same. In short, I have an opinion that the server is already paid for the work he/she is doing and should not be paid extra for that work. It is not that one incurs a big loss or disturbs his/her monthly budget by paying a small amount as a tip; it is just that the server is already being paid for the work he is doing. So, this clearly implies that if a person is performing a task which is part of his/her duty, then there should not be any tip involved. Again, at times, you would not know that whether the task is part of person's job or not; you will need to have a general overview about it, and decide at that very point in time, or even before the situation shows up that whether the server should be rewarded or not.

At times, you cannot escape the situation and are caught in a dilemma; I appreciate people who act rationally in this matter. They tip very wisely and accurately, depending on the circumstances. They even get away without giving it (tip) if they want to.

Now, I have a suggestion for the set of people who want to give, but do not feel it worth to give it in the form of tip "in that particular setting". If your conscience knocks from inside that you should have tipped the server, but you didn't do it accurately (less, generally), you can just go ahead and donate the amount that you wanted to tip. One can escape from such situation very quickly - save the tip inside, donate it outside. But, donating it appropriately also matters. Per my opinion, do not give alms to anyone who seems employable (at the lowest possible position) to you. If the beggar is apparently physically complete (I am not talking about being fit here), one should avoid donating to that person. Again, situations vary time to time. But this idea of saving the tip inside and donating it outside has been appreciated by many of my friends and colleagues. It also, sort of, gives you inner satisfaction that you have helped someone today. The situation can also be posed this way that you are "tipping" your dispensable money towards a better cause this way.

But again, in every situation you would find that asterisk superscribed, denoting "conditions apply".

Would like to connect to people who think about such small issues in day-to-day living in the same way, or at least have an opinion towards such matters.


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