Thursday, September 1, 2011

When you hear name of this country – India – few things come across your mind depending on the perspective with which you are seeing towards it. A tourist imagines rich and diverse culture, an economist sees it as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, a company sees it as a huge potential market, and so on. Large population which was previously known as one of the biggest problems of the country has now taken shape of one of the biggest resources. It is now known the strength and backbone of the country.

But, if you look deep inside and analyse this population, you would find that at the present time India has a larger percentage of working people as compared to children and old non-working population, which directly relates to the strength we are talking about. Now, the portion of population we are talking about is mostly educated. In past few years, people in India have really realized the importance of education. Earlier, the lower strata of the society, generally, did not educate their next generation. Same was with the socio-economic class that was linked to primary sector, i.e., agriculture, etc. They wanted their children to take care of their lands and crops, and never thought of giving them higher education.

The scenario has changed dramatically, though, in the past. Mindset of the people has taken a paradigm shift and that too towards a positive side. This changed mindset has had both the effects – positive as well as negative. People have geared up to educate themselves and prepare for future in a better way, but somewhere deep inside, the quality that they get is not up to the mark. With the explosion of awareness towards education, there grew up another industry – education. This sector grew at such a pace and in such a way that it took forward the aspect of business along with it, but the ethics and values got left behind. The quality of education that was required to prepare people for future could never be achieved. And, the education sector became business, pure business.

Now when you see the scenario, you see a lot of colleges, schools, and other such institutions which are constantly luring the students and parents and claim to provide best of services. Right from the moment you plan to choose kindergarten for your little one, you will need to loosen up your pocket with a hefty sum. It is becoming a dream for a common man to give/provide quality education to their children, and it is because of the ever-increasing expenses related to it. Be it kindergarten, senior secondary, any professional educational course, degree, or any diploma, you will need to think twice before getting your loved one enrolled into the program, because of the expenses related to it.

Schools, colleges, and universities are earning revenues more than a lot of SMEs these days – making huge profits and providing lesser education. You might find engraved on painted on a school wall “Come to Learn, Go to Serve”, but the real motive and the purpose of existence of these institutions has changed now, and it is to make profit. The actual purpose to provide education has been left behind, far behind. Truly, now, education is only business in India.


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