Canadian Smartphone maker, BlackBerry is all set to launch its new device ‘ BlackBerry Z3’ in India in the upcoming week. After this announcement, BlackBerry also announced that Blackberry Z30, which was initially priced at Rs. 39,990, is now offered at a price Rs 34,990. On the top of it, now after Samsung and Apple, BlackBerry is also offering a discount of Rs 5,000 on its BB10 -powered ‘Z30′ in exchange for their old smartphones. In this overcrowded Android dominated market, Nokia made a comeback with ‘ Z Launcher ’ app recently and now steps taken by BlackBerry seems to quite positive for the company.
BlackBerry Z30 |
The BlackBerry Z30 features a 5-inch Super AMOLED display, 1.7 GHz processor with quad- core graphics, 2 GB RAM and internal memory of 16 GB (expandable up to to 64 GB). Based on its latest BB 10 operating system, the handset has an 8 MP rear camera, 2 MP front facing camera and 2,880 mAh battery. The thickness of handset is 0.37 inches and the weight is 170 g.
Price slash and buy back deal on BlackBerry Z30 seems to be BlackBerry's smart comeback in India; however, let's see if can spin the wheel of fortune for the company or not?
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