Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nokia, once known as the biggest cellphone manufacturing company, sold its devices business division to Microsoft last year. Flipping the side, Nokia is paying bigger attention to its other divisions now. Nokia’s extremely successful HERE Maps for Windows show you the smartest way across town with fast, offline maps in 95 countries.

Nokia Z Launcher Interface
Nokia has released a pre-beta version of its extremely smart new app ‘Z Launcher’ for Android users. Z Launcher customizes your home screen automatically by learning your usage patterns and bringing the frequently used apps to your home screen. Not only frequency of Apps but it also remembers what times of the day you use different apps and webpages and present it accordingly. This means, it monitors your usage continuously and automatically learns and presents you what you need at a particular time.

One of the best features of this App is 'Scribble'. It works like a App search engine on your phone, so if you do not find any App on your home screen, you can just scribe the initial two letters of what you're searching for and it will show you the complete list on the screen. For e.g. if you're searching for ‘Wordlens’ on your phone, you first draw 'W' and then 'O'. Isn’t it a great convenience?

Z Launcher is a very nifty offering from Nokia and it has the potential to completely change the way you use your phone. Smartphones are all about apps, plain and simple. With Z Launcher, your most used apps take center stage and everything else is a few short swipes away.
Nokia’s Z Launcher app is currently launched as a pre-beta release, and it is compatible with most of the Android based phones. You can download this App from, where a limited number of downloads are available.

I have downloaded this App on my Nexus 5 and so far it has been quite impressive! So, if you happen you use this App, kindly provide us the feedback on this post.



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