Wednesday, June 18, 2014

In race of Smart Wearable Technology like Google Glass, Smart Bands, Smart watches etc., Samsung – the Smartphone leader in the market is already known for its Gear and also Gear2 which was launched in month of April.  Recently, Samsung clued about its next generation wearable called 'Smart Bangle' according to Patently Mobile. ‘Smart Bangle’ may be a successor to Gear or Samsung might re-brand it separately from the Gear category.
Smart Bangle
As a next generation wearable, it may have some major design improvements like bigger and more versatile display, expanded capabilities; e-wallet features and ability understand wrist gestures as motion commands, photo/map viewing and inbuilt zooming capabilities. For security and convenience, its camera will help locking/ unlocking the device through facial recognition. It is unknown, how compatible will it be with the different Versions of Android OS other non- Samsung hardware devices.

Being a leader in the smartphone market - Samsung is not the only one running in the race of next generation smart wearable, Google and Facebook are also catching up the pace with full throttle! But no one knows who will win this Game of thrones!


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