LG Electronics became the first company to launch a PC powered by Google's Chrome OS. Though LG Electronics took off the curtain from Chromebase AiO at International Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2014), held in January this year; however, the exact details were not declared. Now Chromebase AiO is officially launched at a price of ₹ 32,000 in the Indian market and will be available at various outlets within few weeks.
LG Chromebase AiO |
From decades, Windows OS and Mac dominates the computer OS market. It is really a challenging step taken by Google to come up with all together a new OS to break this monopoly. Now, considering the huge success of Google's Android OS, I am sure that currently no other company in the market could be more challenging to Microsoft and Apple for developing a new computer OS. Normally, after a considerable time, the Windows users start facing issues like slowness, viruses, long time to boot and blue screens with frequent crashes. Learning from these problems, LG AiO with Chrome OS boasts about faster booting time (< 9 seconds), no slowness and impressive faster performance even after few years. It does not need mah nual downloads of anti-virus or any othe protection software as it comes with inbuilt security application with multiple layers of security which updates automatically.
LG Chromebase AiO |
From the hardware standpoint, LG Chromebase AiO is powered by a 1.4 GHz Intel Celeron processor coupled with 2GB DD3 RAM and unlike a normal SATA hard-drive, it comes with 16 GB iSSD storage drive. This hard drive is considered to be more stable and much faster than normal SATA HDD. The computer's 21.5-inch IPS display comes with Full HD (1080p) resolution and features viewing angles of 178-degree. On the top middle of the screen there is a 1.3MP HD camera and on the side and rear end, there are USB 2.0 (x3), USB 3.0 (x1), Audio Ports, HDMI-in port and Ethernet ports. For convenience, LG is offering a keyboard, mouse and cable organizer along with the purchase of Chromebase AiO.
With a hope to see India with Chrome OS powered devices, Google and LG will be targeting not only home users but also focus at corporate offices, schools and colleges. For maximum sales, LG might be coming up some good deals on Chromebase AiO before Asus launches it Chromebox next month. The Android OS did not take much time to dominate the mobile phone OS market, so lets see how long Google's Chrome takes to be the pioneer in computer OS.
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