Monday, August 29, 2011

Ever since the living beings have existed, there has existed a need for them to communicate with each other, to communicate within the system, and with the system. To communicate, a mechanism was devised that is now as old as the age of life on this planet, and this device is known as language. Living beings could not have existed without communicating with each other, and language was the only means they could have done it with. Everybody knows that it all started from sign language and gradually matured to the language we speak today.

Language is not just the words we speak, it is the power that allows individual, groups, and masses to communicate and share with individual, groups, and masses. A single person can express his feelings, ideas to the whole world, and get the same from the world only because of language. Language is far more powerful and potent than one can imagine. Language bridges the communication gap between two individuals. On one hand, an individual can express a whole story using only his eyes, and on the other hand, one cannot explain a few things with combination of words – such is a beauty of language. Language is a tool, a power, a device, a medium, and a lot more. As mentioned before, language has variety in itself – it can be in form of signal or symbol, it can be verbal or through any medium, etc. Language is the ultimate tool to convey and communicate.

Different regions in world use and understand different languages, different beings use and understand different languages, every living being communicates with other one using a particular language. From apes to humans, fishes to reptiles, aquatic to amphibians to terrestrial animals, every living being has a particular language which they use to communicate with each other and with the system they live in.

It would be wrong if one says that only living beings communicate with each other and only living beings use language. Humans, being smartest of living beings, now communicate using a lot of non-living things and devices and mediums. Lot many devices now communicate using language. Computerized devices all use coded languages which make it easy for humans to communicate with them. This interface acts as bridge to facilitate communication between living and non-living things.

If used properly, such is the power and beauty of language that the receiver is able to understand the exact same meaning of the words that the sender wants him to. But, using language is not that easy, too. It takes a lot understanding and intellect to use this tool properly and in an appropriate manner, otherwise communication gaps crop up. A lot of problems are faced if two individuals do not know the same language, and such problems can be termed as language barriers. These barriers hinder clear communication and exchange of thoughts between the individuals, but can be removed in a systematic way.

Clearly, the world exists today because it is able to communicate with each other. Every activity requires communication, and communication in turn requires language. Language gives you the power to convey, communicate, listen, say, understand, and react. Truly, language is a strong tool without which things would not have been the way they are.


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