Saturday, July 16, 2011

This post reiterates my opinion that helmet should be mandatory for every two-wheeler driver - irrespective of the gender. I drive very frequently to/through Chandigarh where traffic rules are followed by most of the people on road. Only a few hoodlums put a blot on clean traffic rule following throughout Chandigarh. The rules are followed so stringently that people from adjoining states - Himachal, Punjab, Haryana - think twice if they have to cross/visit the City Beautiful. Rarely would you escape through the city without a helmet. One more rule that was added a little time back to strengthen the safety measures was to wear a helmet with an ISI mark on it, otherwise you would invite a ticket/chalaan.

Well, let us get back to the topic I mentioned before that I drive to/through Chandigarh on a frequent basis, almost 5 days in a week, I observe the traffic system a lot. People here are really well-mannered as far as following traffic rules is concerned. Even if forcibly, they are made to follow the traffic rules; it is for their betterment. And, this force has now entered into people's driving habits. Wearing helmet, putting on seat belt, driving on a low beam, driving within speed limits, indicating while turning, etc. have become integral part of the driving habits of people in Chandigarh and surrounding area. Only a few newcomers or outsiders face a problem, though, at starting.

One strange thing I observe, and I DO NOT like is that helmet is not mandatory for female drivers. Rule should be same for everyone - irrespective of the gender. It is not at all that women have steel heads and are not vulnerable to accidents and head injuries, etc. Whenever a voice is raised that helmets should be mandatory for females too, they reciprocate and get down to roads to protest against it. WHY??? Do not they need to be safe? Don't they get injured?? There are many such questions, but all unanswered. I really appreciate females who wear helmets deliberately. It feels good to see that they care about their head...and they carry a better brain than the females who choose not to wear it.

It is all in the mindset. Rules are made for everyone's safety, and I am of a strong opinion that they should be followed strictly. Helmet will keep your head safe, and can definitely save your life in case you meet a head-banging accident. One should realize and understand the fact that they (helmets) are not for anyone else's safety.

Helmet companies have come up with very safe and attractive helmets these days, and they are selling like anything. A guy might not get a second look without helmet, but with hi-fi helmets selling these days, he surely would be seen again. I have seen people wearing lousy old helmets just to prevent themselves from being caught. It is again in the mindset; you are risking your life. Accident would never knock or let you know when it is coming; it will just leave you thinking in less than 10 seconds. Lot of lives are saved with helmets, after all head/brain is the most important part of your body. I, too, escaped a major accident with only a wrist dislocation. Thank God, I was wearing a good-quality helmet, and that saved my life. Else, I would not have been writing this post.

So, the crux is that every two-wheeler driver should be wearing a helmet - irrespective of the gender, the place he/she is going to, age, or any other criteria that one can think of. Traffic authorities should make it mandatory for everyone - whosoever, whatsoever. Individuals should think it as their own responsibility to keep themselves safe on the road. The hoarding holds cent percent truth - Somebody is waiting for you at home.


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