Friday, July 15, 2011

Okay! Agencies are scanning CCTV footages, but, but, but...after the blasts!!! Things have happened. Lives are lost. Mumbai has "moved" on, yet again. Agencies only get activated once the ceremony is complete...time goes on...things move on...and agencies, I have no clue where do they go!!! Still a mechanism could not be designed to check infiltration of such anti-social elements who every now and then claim lives, terrorize people, and accomplish their mission. A big bunch of people do not know what do these bombers want; they are just so unaware, and rightly too, they have to live, earn, and feed their dear ones.

Bombings are definitely carried out to get attention, but not of the masses; they do not have to do anything with these asocial people. The targeted attention is of the people who govern the nation, only the bomberman (or group) knows the right intention, else God knows. These and previous (and future ones, too. I am sure they'll happen) serial blasts are a shame for nation and definitely a question on the security agencies. But, can anything be done? If agencies focus on Zaveri Bazaar today or Rajiv Chownk tomorrow, there are thousand other areas which can be targeted. The need is of a system, a better mechanism to pick the odd one out from the group; the need is for deeper penetration of the security agencies, the need is to kill the BIGGEST FISH - THE DRAGON. Because the area and population of our country is so large, a mechanism will have to be designed that will need to work from top to bottom - and not that we scan CCTV footages, examine the affected spots at the time of the impact. It won't just work. Till the time the efforts start showing effect, another bombings would take the attention.

Now, "Mumbai gets on with life", but does it really? It does. Mumbai, being a highly populated business capital, will have to. It is bound to. Masses surely are not that much affected as compared to the handful who have lost their near ones in the blasts.

Situation 1: I lost a family member in yesterday's blast. I have no one else in my family; we were only two. My life has stopped (for a considerable time, though). I am angry about the political system here, I am angry about the security agencies, I am angry about just almost everything that claimed life of my dear one.

Situation 2: (In front of TV) Yaar! Blasts, again. Kya hoga desh ka...uff...its height. (In office) Heard about yesterday's blasts...thank God I was not there, and no one related to me was there or affected, either. Anyways, chal lunch karte hain....khaane mein kya laaya hai aaj? Hahahaha.....

Now, analysing these two above situations, Mumbai will have to move on. The reality is that people are not affected unless anything happens with them. Mumbai is fast, and it is because of the fact that people have not time for anyone else, they need to work, need to earn their livelihood, they need to "move on" with their lives. The only and only way I would get affected the most is if I have lost my relative or near one in such an incident.

Candle marches or processions won't do anything; they will be forgotten and number of people participating would start declining one it starts affecting their personal life. Media would take on to another more-interesting news in a couple of days. Who cares whether Twitter scored high or TV did? What matters is that the lives were lost...and it is an irreparable loss. Write ups would go unread, celebrities would get busy with their next stints, tweets' topic would change, things would get normal....just in a few days.

So, the need is of some hi-fi security system that destroys these anti-social elements from the root itself. System needs to be effective and reactive. No fun feeding Kasab and giving him the treatment that he doesn't even deserve. The only treatment he deserves is inhuman death.

A common man can just pray and hope that his destiny doesn't make him part of such an incident, and that he lives his life happily with his family.

More or less, such incidents are just like speed-breakers on the road of life. Life would eventually move on, so would you and the bomberman, too!!!


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