Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It hasn't been much time I saw the movie Cast Away, actually. Although it released in year 2000, I eventually got to see it in 2013; and that too after one of my friends - Rohan - recommended it. Initially, one of my other close friends - Gaurav - had also recommended Cast Away, but I ain't a frequent movie-watcher, you see; so, I never took it seriously.

But one night, while I was free, after a light workout session and a sumptuous dinner, I decided to watch Cast Away. The movie tightened its grip straightaway on me. I won't go into the movie details deeply, but the best thing I liked in the movie was human's adaptation to the present circumstances and that no one would wait for you - even if they have to! Tom Hanks, no need to mention, did complete justice to the character. The direction of the movie was really nice - I mean everything connected together so well that it was an overall nice experience.

The ball in the movie - Wilson - was the thing that also touched it. It showed how a lonely human being goes on to make imaginary friend - a ball - Wilson. This all shows that human is a social creature and needs to interact with surroundings and people in order to survive.

The scene really made my jaw drop where Tom was able to kill a fish via harpoon from a distance, comfortably. Wow! The kind of skills he developed over the period of 4 years were really appreciable. Applaud!

All in all, the movie was a great experience. For a couple of nights, I was only dreaming about this movie. A few questions crossed my mind, like what if I got stuck in such a situation, would I give up or fight for survival? Overall, I really liked Cast Away! Thumbs up!


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