Monday, June 9, 2014

Uffff!! It's too hot!! Once again, killing summers! I feel like I am donating blood everyday. Lord Sun is becoming more angry every summer, unleashing his extreme wrath! Walking down the street, I can feel the heat soaked by earth during the day time. Hot air all around, warm water from the tank on terrace, continuous sweat, situation is becoming worse globally.

Increasing number of automobiles, burning of fossil fuels, addition of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, to the air, cutting jungles, using non-biodegradable material and in many other ways, we are making the greenhouse effect stronger day by day. I urge everyone to spread the awareness about greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, global warming and all the reasons where we are responsible for this extreme weather condition, and the ways we can control the issues. We are the ones who have been disturbing the nature and we are the only ones who can control it.

 The discussion about this topic can be endless, but as of now let’s figures out the ways to save our self from this hot weather. You may want to try the following to beat the summer heat:

1. Plenty of liquids: Have as much water as you can to save yourself from dehydration. Add it to your schedule. If possible, keep sachets of electrolyte, glucose or ORS ( Oral Re-hydration Solution) with you and have them at least once every day. Do not forget to carry your cold water bottle, when leaving from home and refill it whenever you get a chance.
2. Don’t let hot air enter your room: Keep the doors and windows of you room closed to avoid letting the hot air inside and raise the temperature of room.
3. Keep the buckets full: If the sunlight falls directly on your water tank, then ensure to keep the buckets of water full in your bathroom in the morning or whenever you see them empty. At least the water will stay less hot than the one in the tank.
4. Air conditioner: If your air conditioner is more than 1 year old, make sure that you get it serviced and the filter cleaned to get the best out of it.
5. Cover yourself: Cover your face with wet handkerchief or any other piece of wet cloth when riding bike in hot weather.
6. Pamper yourself on weekly offs: Go out with your friends or family to some water park on your weekly offs to kill the heat stuck inside you with some water fighting games!
7Take care of your health: Nausea or vomiting, weakness, fatigue, headache and low blood pressure are common problems during summer. Please pay some serious attention to any of these symptoms and consult your doctor.
8. Eating habits: Check the date before buying any packed food. Avoid eating junk food outside.
9. Clothing: Avoid wearing dark color clothes during summers. Prefer only cotton stuff or some dri-fit wear.
10. Cosmetics: Switch completely to summer cosmetics like sun screen lotion, menthol shampoo and fruit cream.


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