Sunday, June 8, 2014

If humor is a God’s gift then only few lucky ones are gifted with it, if it's a skill then I think very few people are skilled with it, if it's and art then we have very few artists. Isn’t it? Not everyone is Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Kapil Sharma or Raju Srivastav. We know that these guys rule the planet of laughter and fun. Their fan falling is remarkable, but they were not stars from their childhood time. Their funny side made them a public figure later. No one takes birth with humor inside blood. It is not hereditary but for sure, it is contagious. People with good sense of humor are always surrounded by others because crowd loves them. The laughter, smile and happiness which they bring on people’s face are priceless. Cracking jokes and making a conversation funny when required, makes them center of attraction.
Paid to look busy
If you think that you are not the one I am talking about, then you may want to try the following, to be known as a lively/jolly person and shine different in the crowd:

1.    Hangout with funny people: Hang out with your friends, colleagues, relatives and others, who you think are funny. They might crack a joke on you but feel offended. Learn what is different in them, how smoothly they make your laugh by finding the funny side of a serious situation. At initial stage, observe them and learn their tricks and don’t leave any chance of speaking out, if something funny strikes your mind. Remember funny people just say it, without thinking much!
2.    Add smile and laugh to your life: No matter how frustrating your boss is, how busy your life keeps you, living with regrets and burden will only worsen the situation. So, before you rest into pieces, add lots of hilarious stuff like funny videos, books, cartoons, TV shows to your library and watch them every day if possible. Remember, happy people are liked by everyone. Add smile and laugh to your daily life as it automatically adds a lot of humor to your own-self.
3.    Spend time with kids: Being around the kids can be dual purpose, spending time with them and at the same time learning from them. When you learn from kids, it involves the least copied talks or acts. So, when you are standing in the crowd, you can talk about how funny your kids act sometimes or, you can also use their jokes which came out of their innocence.
4.    Find humor on yourself: Try to find some humor on yourself. Eg. If someday your friends asks you “Did you get your haircut done” reply “ my wife asked me to lose some weight, so I thought, this is the easiest way”.
5.    Be a good listener and talk more: Would you like it, if someone interrupts you when you are speaking? I can’t hear you but I am sure the answer is ‘no’ in 95% situations. So, try to build up a conversation with people rather than a one-way talk. Talk about their likings, listen to them and move on. This will help you come out of the fear of speaking to other people and build confidence in you.
6.    Recall your embarrassing situations: Recall the situations which were embarrassing for you in the past. Try to find the funny side of those moments. Look at the photographs of your friends and family and caption them.
7.    No offense: If you are standing with funny people, do not get offended if a joke is cracked on you. Never lose your temper, if you can’t win over the funny fight, at least try replying with few funny punches! And add their jokes to your kitty.
8.    Overdose can be harmful: If you even close to Jim Carrey, then it is fine; however, if you not very old to the subject of humor, then try to understand that it takes time to learn the tricks of the trade. Over dosage of humor can put you in awkward situation sometimes. So, wait for the right time and let your hilarious side activate naturally.


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