Saturday, June 14, 2014

Praying is to address a deity, a prophet, a saint or an object of worship. We say a prayer to pay our regards to the almighty. The purity of the feeling in the prayer varies from one person to another. I am not sure if you have ever felt it, when you are in trouble or stuck badly; your eyes close automatically and you picture God with an expectation that he is the only one to help you! The connection your try making at that very moment is the strongest of all. Isn’t it?

So, did you ever think, why do we need to go to a hold place like Temple, Mosque, Church or Gurudwara to worship if you could make a strongest connection anywhere?  Why do we have so many Gods? I really don’t doubt your belief, going to a holy place and praying in front of Idols with incense sticks or lighting up a candle. If that solves the biggest of your problems without any efforts and hindrances, then it’s great.

It is good to be spiritual because you always have some supreme power controlling you. It makes you re-think before doing anything wrong and holds your hand once, and on the other hand, it boosts you morale when you take a positive step.

When we start some work, we always pray, please God help me to achieve this.  In school, children pray before having their meals because they are taught that they should thank to God for giving them a beautiful life. Even I have faith in God, my prayers because I know God listens sooner or later, being patient is the key; however, always remember that God helps those, who help themselves.  I believe that if you give your 100% then God will give you everything without even asking for it.

If you are become dependent only on miracles, then for sure, even God will act dump and blind for you. Just look around, you are already privileged than millions of others. So, from now on, if you want anything from God, just believe in yourself, give your 100% keep moving with patience and for sure you will achieve it at the earliest.


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