Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Are you also a smartphone addict by any chance? Looking at your phone while reading this article? The fact is, that you are not the only one suffering from this strong craving! Looking at phone every ten minutes, with or without any reason, is common among smartphone users. Most of the apps, social networking websites keep your mind so occupied and deviated towards your smartphone that you never forget giving it a glace every now and then.
Smartphone Addict
According to an online article, psychiatrists and medical authorities worldwide formally recognize addiction to internet and digital devices as a disorder called ‘digital addiction’. It is common among people of every age group. Kids are obsessed with online/offline games, YouTube, WhatsApp and Facebook. And in most of the cases, this level of obsession is so high that they don’t pay attention to anything else, leading to lack of interest in their studies, crossing road without paying attention, standing in the queue. Americans spend an average of 20 minutes on Facebook per session for multiple times a day.

You must have heard about the news that keeping a cellphone in the upper pocket is harmful for your heart, playing games continuously sitting in wrong posture leads to backache and strain on eyes, but no one cares about it. We are so obsessed with smartphones that as soon as we hear the beep of our smartphone, we leave everything aside and check the message on priority. Before going to sleep, most of the people do not prefer to keep mobile phone on silent, even if it disturbs them.
Definitely, the smartphones make your life easy but please do not make yourself or your kids so addicted to them, it becomes their only friend who lets them play and eradicate the need of outdoor games, also affecting their health. Getting all the ideas on Google, not making their brain think even once. Teaching them with video clips on YouTube does help, but affects their eyes. So, use this technology wisely and nicely, prefer it as alternate and luxury, not necessity and priority.


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