Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Crunchfish, a Swedish start-up company,  based in Malmo, Swedan has done a great job by developing GoCam app. GoCam App is one app which does not require a tap on the Smartphone screen to take pictures. You can stand away upto a maximum distance of distance of upto 3 meters click your Selfie by just waving at your camera. This can also be done if you are standing with a group of people. It is also capable of editing pictures to give you the best looks and at the same time you can post your pictures to Facebook and other social networking websites from within the app. 
GoCam App- Gesture Recognition
Crunchfish is also working on other touchless projects. Few phones in the market come with touchless features like Sony’s Xperia neo that uses gestures for text input, LG’s G3 that takes selfies using gestures by closing your fist in front of handset, and also Microsoft’s Kinect uses gesture recognition for video games. The concept is similar; however, GoCam is the first ever touch-less video recording app in the market. It uses Touchless A3D technology which requires the video streaming from the camera and then the software picks up particular movements like a wave of hand. You can also use some additional features adjusting the volume, scrub videos and pause music with the movement of you hands. Though you stand away at quite a distance but it makes you feel that you are right next to it.

Touchless Apps is a next generation jump to the App world. At present, GoCam App is available for iOS devices and can be downloaded from Crunchfish’s official website or from iTunes for free. The app is compatible with iOS 7 or above and works the best on iPad 2, iPhone 4S and above, and iPad mini. Depending upon the success of this project, GoCam for Android will also be available in the Apps market soon.

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