Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Google is the one visionary company which is desperate to grow.  Last week, at Google 2014 I/O Conference, Google made some very interesting announcements. Since Feb 12, 2001, Google has acquired almost 159 companies. I am not sure if 'Okut' is in the bottom quatile; however, yesterday Google decided to say ‘Goodbye’ to it social networking beginner, Orkut. Launched in early 2004, Orkut was built as just ‘20 percent’ project when Google entered into social networking. It gained high popularity in India, Brazil and Japan for few years but its biggest pain ‘Facebook’ swept it away. With ‘hungry to grow' strategy, Facebook became best of the best in the social networking and the time kept nurturing it. It’s a fact that Orkut’s performance kept declining and even those who have an account on Orkut do not use it anymore because of Facebook’s popularity.
Orkut Shut Down
From now onward, creating a new Orkut account will not be an option. Only current Orkut users will be able to log in, play games, and use their account like normal until Sept. 30.  Google will be preserving an archive of all public communities, which will be available online starting on Sept. 30. Google said that YouTube, Blogger, and Google+ have become much more popular than Orkut in last decade. Looking at the numbers and the trend, Google Engineers will be focusing on social networking through these channels.  Google Engineering Director Paulo Golgher said ‘We hope people will find other online communities to spark more conversations and build even more connections for the next decade and beyond’


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