Sunday, July 6, 2014

Approaching a beautiful girl  in public place can be a difficult task only if you don’t believe in yourself. Confidence is the key because girls don’t go out with losers. I am not at expert on this matter but just think about the situation when you approach a unknown girl, at the max  she will ignore or just refuse to talk to you but the ground rule is to approach her before someone else takes away that chance from you! Here are few tips to find your Miss “ She is the one”

Eye Contact 

It is important to make an eye contact before talking to her. Next step is to try to maintain eye contact. This is one way of getting noticed by her and if she responds with an eye contact at couple of instances,  she's could be approached depending upon her face expressions and body language.  If you think that you are getting a green signal then do not waste any more time and approach her with a smile.

Stop Fearing Rejection

It’s a fact that if you are not confident, you have already lost half of the battle. So be confident and do not fear rejection when you approach a girl. Remember, she doesn't know you; your confidence is what she will capture in her mind. Your first talk will reflect what she is looks for in a guy. A study says, that the most attractive women will respond somewhere between neutral and positive to being approached. It is flattering, exciting and fun for them as well like the way it is for you. So stop worrying about reject and approach with confidence.

Initiate Conversation.

Alright!! Be the first one to initiate a conversation. So, if you happen to get close to her for a small conversation then stay calm, do not get over excited.  Your ice-breaking comment should come out naturally based on the real time situation. Girls like to get appreciated for everything. So make  sure that you appreciate her for something like her looks, dressing sense, sense of humor or whatever suits her the best at that time.  Be a good listener when she speaks and find out more about her.  Talk about her interests and tell her that she is different than other girls. Remember that overdose of appreciation can also be harmful so be real and simple.

Plan For Next Meet

If the conversation goes smooth, try to make plans for a future meet-up.  Give her your phone number or email address and have patience. If she is also interested in you, then either she will exchange her number with you or she will get back later on. It is quite understandable when girls hesitate in giving phone number in the first meet so have patience. If she says no for any further conversation then don’t act like a sticker, just leave it. She doesn't owe you anything further, even if she did enjoy your company.

Appreciate Your Courage

I know she can turn you down but just saying ‘not interested’, but imagine if it does work out then, Dude! You’ll get a lifetime right to brag to everyone that you initiated it. If it wasn’t for your confidence, you two wouldn't be together! Also, if the conversation ends then and there, treat yourself for simply having the courage to do it.


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